Monday, July 28, 2008

The journey begins

Today has been a hard day. I began my new diet/lifestyle change. I felt like I ate like a rabbit today. I say that because I feel like I didn't eat much of anything however I know in comparison to most of the world I ate like a king. Isn't it amazing the simple things that we take for granted everyday like food. Who would of thought I was so selfish about food until today? I should be thankful that I was able to eat 3 meals and 2 snacks today. But instead it was hard to not focus on the fact that I ate so little in comparison to normal. Shame on me for being so selfish instead of being so thankful. Thank you Jesus for making see today how blessed I am to be an American and to be able to have an option of what food I eat and how many meals I eat each and every day. I will continue to work on being thankful and not selfish.

I also exercised today. I walked 2 miles today. I didn't want to do it at all. I made the excuse that it was too hot outside to walk. But thankfully my good friends laughed at me and didn't let it slide! Good for them for encouraging me! It is nice to be surrounded by people who care about me and love me! Off to relax a little before bed and spend some time with my husband! I hope you all have a great night!

~~ Casey~~

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Through Christ all things are possible!

I have been contemplating starting a blog for months now but I wasn't sure of what to write about. After a trip to the doctor this week and church service today I decided that I would use this blog to discuss my battle with weight. and how God is using it to draw me closer to Him.

It was very fitting that PK talked about Philippians 4:13 today. I have struggled with my weight my entire my life and this week my doctor informed me that I had no choice but to make a life style change. Like everyone else who has struggled with weight my first thought was, "yeah right here we go again, another diet, another failed attempt where I end up heavier than I started." That thought quickly left my mind though when I stopped and realized that I have a wonderful doctor who is a man of God who cares enough about me to want to help make me healthier so I can live a better and longer life.

So tomorrow I start a new lifestyle. I will be changing my eating habits sticking strictly to the doctors orders and exercising on a regular basis again sticking to the doctors orders. I will be keeping track of my progress and my journey with God along the way. I really excited to see what God is going to do in my life and in the lives of those around me. I have attempted to lose weight several times and have failed. However, I am determined to lose weight with the support of my family and friends and the strength of my God! I hope you will embark upon the journey with me and pray for me as I go along and I look forward to seeing what God has store!

I realized today that I can and I will do this through Christ who strengthens me!

~~In Him~~ Casey