Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Being faithful pays off!

Ok so I am sure that we are not the only ones who have ever struggled with faith! It seems like forever ago, but it's only been about a year and a half ago since Eric and I started tithing. Before we started tithing, there were always excuses. We didn't know how we could afford it, we were selfish and wanted the money for us, etc. We talked with PK about it and he said that if after 3 months God had not been faithful and we weren't seeing results, the church would give us our money back. We thought well that's a crazy idea but ok PK we trust you, (still not trusting God at that point) we are in. So Eric and I began tithing. Well long story short, we never asked PK for our money back,funny thing, and God was faithful. After we started tithing Eric got a 2 dollar an hour raise at work. That was more than 10% of his current pay! So that money that we didn't know where it would come from....well there it was plus some. God is good.

So a couple of weeks ago we had our building to bless campaign 1 year anniversary at church. Eric and I had not participated in the campaign for the first year for the same excuses that we used when we were not tithing. So when the pledge cards came out this time I told Eric that I felt like we should contribute. Again, he was really on the fence not knowing where the extra money would come from since I am not working and our income is limited. We continued to talk about it and I said, but we couldn't we just do a certain amount of money? Again he was still hesitant but we finally agreed on an amount still not knowing where that money would come from, but knowing it would come from somewhere.

Well fast forward to today. I got home from clinicals and checked the mail as usual. The first thing I opened was from Ivy Tech. I was dreading that it was a bill or something not good (although I had no reason to think either of those things!) Oh the life of a worrier! Anyways, so I open the piece of mail expecting the worst only to find out that I received a nursing scholarship that will cover my tuition for this semester and next!! I was so excited and overwhelmed by God's greatness! I called Eric to share the news.

Then while talking to Eric I continued to open up the rest of the mail to find out that Eric had received a check from his uncle for helping him with computer problems. Again, nothing we were expecting but something we greatly appreciated. We were just overwhelmed with joy about the unexpected funds we received today!

I post this to share you with you that are God is awesome! We have struggled at times with being faithful but God always affirms our faithful decisions! Isn't that awesome? It makes me wonder why it is so hard to be 100% faithful and just let God be in control?!


Sue said...

What a WONDERFUL testimony!!! I plan on sharing it with a couple friends of mine!

Jim and I found out years ago that tithing works. But as you said, "Oh, the life of a worrier". Even tho I know God does bless tithing, the human side of me worries at various times.

Again, THANK YOU for sharing this awesome testimony to God's faithfulness!!!! God Bless you and Eric! And CONGRATULATIONS on your scholarhip!

Nathan said...

"We have struggled at times with being faithful but God always affirms our faithful decisions! Isn't that awesome? It makes me wonder why it is so hard to be 100% faithful and just let God be in control?!"

If I could count how many times I've asked this question myself, or heard someone else ask it!!!

Thanks for the reminder!

Kris Sorensen said...

Yesss!!! I love posts like this! Do you mind if I share your story with the entire world!? Seriously, do you mind? Just let me know.

Unknown said...

This is an awesome post! Thank you for sharing! It is difficult sometimes to walk in faith. I have to remind myself daily to "Let go, and Let God."

I wish I had your wisdom when I was your age. I could have saved myself so much grief! Again, thanks for sharing!