Friday, November 21, 2008

Please Pray!

I went to the doctor today for my ankles. I had the ligaments in both of my ankles reconstructed 2 years ago along with having a scope done on my right ankle. I have been doing fairly well until the last couple of months. I have been having a lot of pain. So I called my orthopedic foot doctor and made an appointment. Thinking it was probably just arthritis, because I am at a high risk for it!

So I go in for my appointment today and leave having had x-rays taken and being scheduled for an MRI. I go back in a week and a half to go over the results of the MRI and make some decisions. But at this point it looks like we are leaning towards having to have another scope done or a more invasive procedure that involves removing cartilage from my knee or hip and placing it in my ankle. So we shall see what happens. I will keep you updated.

I don't know how much more bad news I can take medically! I mean, I am already dealing with my eye problems and facing a possible surgery with my eyes next spring. And now this! All this in the midst of nursing school. I would really appreciate your prayers during this tough time.

Prayer and God is the only thing that will pull me through this.


Anonymous said...

Casey, I'm in-I'll be praying, for the ankle, the eyes, school...hang in there :)

Mommy pfohl said...

Casey- I know what it is like to feel what you are feeling right now! I'm very sorry you have this load/pressure right now with every thing! Know that I am praying and know that GOD ALONE is your strength. If you ever need anything, you know where to fine me! Hang in there! -Mindy

Sue said...

I will be praying for you and ALL you are going through right now. As Mindy said, GOD ALONE is the source of your strenght. Only He can get us through the trials of life...Life itself is WAAAYYY too uncertain...

Nathan said...

Praying for you now!