Friday, December 12, 2008

The best husband in the world!

Yep you read it right, I am lucky to be married to the best husband in the world! Eric has been so selfless since my surgery in helping take care of me and making sure that I have the things I need. And well that in and of itself is no small task, when there isn't much I can do on my own.

Eric gets up early to make sure that I am dressed, have breakfast and have everything else I need before he heads off to work for the day. He then comes home for lunch. When he's home for lunch he again checks to see if I need anything, and if I too am ready for lunch he makes it for me. If I am not quite ready my brother in law Evan makes it for me later. Eric then comes home from an exhausting day at work, to not worry about himself but to worry about me. He takes care of me the rest of the night getting me dinner, helping me take a bath and get ready for bed before he heads to bed, only to start all over the next day.

I don't think either of us realized how unable to do things I was going to be. I have had 2 foot surgeries in the past and was fairly mobile, however this one involved my knee and was a lot more extensive therefore decreasing my mobility. We didn't realize until we got home Tuesday night, how much help I would need. But no worries my wonderful husband was ready and willing to step up to the plate.

I wanted to post this because I think it is very important that Eric realizes how much he is appreciated, and that I think he is the best husband in the world. I can't help but think about other people who may be or may have been in a similar situation where things didn't turn out so well. I can see how it would be very easy to get agitated at one another and cause your relationship to spiral. However, what most people don't realize and hold true to is their wedding vows. I am just grateful that when Eric and I said "for better or for worse" we meant it. Those were not just words and I am thankful for that!

Eric I love you with all my heart and I am so thankful to call you my husband and my best friend.


Mommy pfohl said...


It is so awesome to see Eric stepping up. I too am thankful for a husband like that! There are many who do not have that kind of relationship and it is awesome to watch what God does in and through marriages when they are truly a team!

If Eric needs some rest, we are phone call away. I'm serious! I know it is exhausting and I'd be very glad to come over and get you drinks, meals, whatever you please! :) I won't come with out being asked. T hat's just my personality... so ASK if you need something! :_ Hugs!!!

Sue said...

You are one of the lucky ones to have found a wonderful husband...

Hope you are progressing well and you will soon be up and around!

brenda c said...

Glen was the same way when I had my knee surgery. He was there day and night getting me on the machine that exercised my leg, and then getting me off 4 times a day for 2hrs at at time!!! It is so wonderful when God pares us up with the perfect spouse. Way to go Eric!!!