Sunday, August 17, 2008

A bump in the road

Just when you think things are going well you always have to hit a bump in the road! Well today I hit my bump. I have been doing really well avoiding all the things that I really want to eat. Like cookies, ice cream etc. However, I ran across oreos today and I just couldn't resist anymore. I just had to have some. I have been watching Eric eat cookies and funnel cakes and other sweets for days now! So, I allowed myself to have some. But the good news is I stopped at 3 and didn't eat anymore. I then sent the remaining cookies home with my brother-in-law and assured my husband that there would be no more of those in the house! LOL!! I figured I have been sharing all of the good things that have been happening with the lifestyle change, but I decided I should also share the struggles! The reality is that no matter how well things go and how much self discipline you have, you WILL hit bumps in the road. The issue will be how you choose to handle those bumps in the road. Like I choose to stop at 3 cookies when I really wanted to eat the entire bag, although the better option would have been to not eat any!! So I am now back on track. I have had my sugar fix for the time being and I hope that there is at least 3 weeks before the next bump in the road! And hopefully next time I am strong enough to say NO! We shall see! God Bless!!


Mommy pfohl said...

I am very proud of you! It takes a lot of self control to stop at three! I have learned that it is easier to stick to think if you allow yourself little splurges on occasion! Praying for you to stay on track for a while! Hugs!

Casey R. Vincent said...

Thanks Mindy! It is so encouraging to have your support when we really don't even know each other! It is awesome! Hugs!