Sunday, August 31, 2008

Long Weekend!

Well Friday was my birthday! I usually really enjoy my birthday but we went out of town on Friday for a wedding and it just didn't feel like my birthday. I have to say that compared to all of my other birthdays this one really was no fun! I am officially 25 and it was officially the worst birthday ever, this growing up thing stinks! Anyways, enough of me crying over my not so great birthday, lol!

We spent the weekend in Ottawa, IL with our close family friends the Friedles. Their daughter Megan got married on Saturday. It was a great outdoor wedding at their home. They couldn't have asked for a better day! The down side to outdoor weddings however, happens when there are no clouds in the sky and at 3 pm the sun is directly beating down on your back as enjoy the wonderful ceremony. When the ceremony was over we later noticed that I had enjoyed a free sunburn during the wedding! Needless to say I am glad it wasn't a Catholic wedding or I could of been in some major trouble, because the ceremony only lasted 20 to 30 minutes tops! Thank goodness for the short ceremony!

Anyways, we did some shopping while we were there and I spent my birthday money to buy my self new clothes that were 1 and 2 sizes smaller! Yay! So that was a lot of fun. We are hoping to slide by until Christmas with the clothing that was purchased, so we don't have to spend money on more clothes! However, if the weight loss continues at this rate we could be shopping again before Christmas! I must say I did thoroughly enjoy this shopping trip! It was so much fun being able to wear a smaller size. My options are so much more when I don't have to buy all plus size clothes!

The downside to the weekend was the eating of course! It is so hard to eat healthy when you are out of town with other people. I just feel like now that I am on this diet every time we eat out it revolves around me. I have told everyone the types of places I can eat at and the types of food I can have but it always comes down to us stopping at places that have food I can't eat. The end result ends up being, "well I wish you would have told us you couldn't eat here, we would have gone else where." I am really struggling with this because I feel like I could tell them 1,000,000 times and they would still seem like they had no clue I couldn't eat at that place or eat that food. So if you could please pray for guidance and patience on my part when dealing with others and this issue I would greatly appreciate it.

I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend! We have a family birthday cookout to go to tomorrow for my sister-in-law and me so I will update on that with pictures hopefully(if I can figure it out) tomorrow!


Sue said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Casey!!!

Hope your family cookout went well. Looking forward to the pictures.