Friday, August 1, 2008

Update on the week

Since my last blog lots of things have gone on. I realized that I forgot to tell you one small but important tid bit of information on my initial blog, so I will tell you that information now. At my doctors visit on Monday my doctor also placed me on a new regulator medication for my migraines. This medication has made me sick in the past but my doctor was very persistent about putting me on it for several reasons the main one being the prevention of migraines but this medicine also has some side effects that would be beneficial for me such as appetite loss, taste change (mainly unable to drink carbonated beverages, so no soda) and a few other related things. I reminded him that it made me sick last time we tried but he persisted. Ok now that we have the background begins my update.....

I began taking this medication last Wednesday and I have been oh so very nauseated with it. To the point that I have done pretty much nothing for a 9 days but go to work and sleep, so therefore also slacking with the blog. I have even missed 2 days of work because of being so nauseous. So yesterday (Thursday) I finally called the doctor and told him I couldn't take it anymore. I had been so awfully ill feeling and uncharacteristically lazy I couldn't take it. So he called me back and he decided to lower my dosage for now so that I only take it once a day at bedtime because I was feeling more nauseous in the mornings. So today I have felt much better!! Praise Jesus! He is going to slowly increase the dose as my body tolerates it.

The diet in the meantime has been going well amidst the nausea! I haven't varied from it at all and I am adjusting to eating MUCH smaller portions! I am drinking lots of water and I haven't had anything sweet in almost a week! It's a miracle! Haha because I love sweets!

As far as exercising well that is still coming along. I have done my two 20 minute walks that the doctor and I agreec to for the week. However, me and those crunches haven't quite became friends yet with the nausea hanging around! So there is still lots of room for improvement but I am heading in the right direction!

My husband has been a wonderful support with all of the new changes and I really appreciate it! Thanks honey for the encouragement! It means a lot! Love ya
