Friday, August 22, 2008

The flu bug strikes again!

It never fails wherever the flu goes it finds me. My friends in home daycare had it earlier this week and I stayed away until after it was gone and the house was disinfected etc. but go figure I wake up with the flu this morning! It's been a yucky day. For some reason when I get the flu, I really get the flu. So bad that a year and a half ago it put me in the hospital for 3 days so I am very nervous and scared when I get the flu trying to avoid a repeat of history. Anyways, so to top it all off I had to go to a mandatory cpr/aed class today that I had to have completed before Monday. So go figure my roll of toilet paper and I made our way to ivy tech for what was supposed to be a four hour class and it turned it into a five hour class! Go figure! Oh well ! So I have had to have some Gatorade G2 today which is not on the diet because it has high fructose corn syrup in it, but you can't drink water when you are throwing up. Sprite would have been better, but I can't drink it with my medicine so G2 was the next best option. Hopefully it is just a 24 hour bug and I will feel better tomorrow when I wake up! But at this point I can't keep saltines and G2 down so we shall see! Night all!