Thursday, August 14, 2008

Trusting God

Eric and I have recently made the decision for me to quit my job. This is a really difficult decision for us to make because financially we can't afford to do this. But we have prayed about it a lot and we feel like this is what we are supposed to do. So we are taking a major leap of faith and trusting that God will pull us through the next two years, although we know He won't make it easy! You may be wondering why we made this decision?! Well the decision was made after we found out that I will be starting nursing school on August 25th. This will be take up a large amount of my time and will not allow for normal working hours. I was only going to be able to work 1 day a week at the job I currently had and wouldn't be making much. I would then only have 1 entire day a week where I didn't have other obligations. Well, to put it simply I don't handle stress very well and I end up making myself physically sick if I am not careful. So after praying about it we decided that the best option for my stress level to be as low as possible and for me to be able to get through nursing school was for me to not work. Because I cannot miss class or clinicals, if I miss more than 1 day I fail the class! We hope that we made the right decision. We would appreciate prayer as we adjust to living on a tighter budget and cutting some things out.

The lifestyle change continues to go well. It gets easier everyday and I feel better each and everyday! Praise God! If you ever need any help or if you are struggling with weight yourself and you just want to chat feel free to email me at ! God Bless!!


Mommy pfohl said...

I will be praying for you guys! I know how hard it is to step out in faith with dropping an income. We have been there! Glad you were able to make the choice you needed. My yahoo screen name is mpfohl Saw you listed your e-mail. I dont' use that for e-mail... just chatting. Feel free to hollar any time! Praying for your continued life style change!

Nathan said...

I will be praying for you guys! Although it was nice to have another smiling Christian face at work to say hi to occassionally, it's awesome that you are dedicating your energy to school and placing your trust in God!!!

Eric said...

Thanks Mindy and Nate for the prayers! They will be much needed and appreciated!